Tersus in Latin means clean, cleansed, pure, correct, nice, terse, spruce, and neat.

The Tersus Awards celebrate the people that make our world safe by embodying the definitions of Tersus, and making them real in our world. Throughout the pandemic every single industry has had to change significantly, adapt to new ways of doing business, and keep people safe. This didn’t happen overnight. In fact it took the work of millions all over the world to devise new sanitation protocols.

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2020 made us all aware that health and safety are precious. As we await the completion of a global vaccination campaign, we also reminded of the many things that have helped keep us safe, healthy, and nourished. Among these are healthcare workers, retails workers, farmers, food manufacturers, and countless others.

The Tersus awards were envisioned prior to the pandemic, and yet perfectly suited as a means of recognizing the importance of hygiene, and those to make our world safer through it.

Following are the award categories:

Food Manufacturing

1.      Hygienist of the year

2.      Hygiene supervisor of the year

3.      Plant hygienist of the year

4.      Quality and food safety supervisor of the year

5.      Quality manager of the year

6.      Employee safety advocate

Grocery, Restaurant & Food Service

1.      Hygienist (non-QSR) of the year

2.      Hygiene supervisor (non-QSR) of the year

3.      QSR Hygienist of the year

4.      Quality and food safety supervisor of the year

5.      Quality manager of the year

6.      Employee safety advocate

Medical Product & Medical Device Manufacturing

1.      Hygienist of the year

2.      Hygiene supervisor of the year

3.      Plant hygienist of the year

4.      Quality supervisor of the year

5.      Quality manager of the year

6.      Employee safety advocate

Farming and other Primary Production

1.      Field hygienist of the year

2.      Transportation and conveying equipment hygiene supervisor of the year

and many more!